
HSV Permanent-Magnet
Bottle Capping Clutch - Flange Type
Rimtec's special HSV magnetic clutch has been modified from our standard HSV series to adapt to a prominent manufacturer's existing bottle capping machine design. The HSV was modified to meet the customer's package size and torque requirements.
 In operation, the chuck socket and its magnet assembly are driven thru the magnetic field interaction of the hysteresis material in the #2 magnet clutch housing. The magnet clutch housing is threaded onto the flange plate and held in position by the #1 torque adjust ring. The axial position of the magnet clutch housing with respect to the chuck socket magnet assembly determines the slip torque between the two parts. This is shown by the minimum torque setting shown in the left half of the schematic view, versus the right half at full engagement and consequently full torque.
When an overload occurs (the bottle cap has been driven down fully, but the timing cycle has not yet ended), the torque force is greater than the magnetic force, and the parts rotate relative to one another on the (2) stainless-steel-shielded deep row ball bearings. When the torque overload is removed, the clutch will automatically re-engage.
During overload conditions, the slipping magnetic fields do create heat
which must be dissipated. See the technical specification sheet below for product dimensions, technical ratings and power dissipation
For other solutions
and sizes, please refer to our standard HSV
series. Or, please contact
our engineering department to discuss available product modifications.
Detailed dimensions and technical ratings for the special HSV
bottle capping series
can be viewed online or downloaded in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.
and Technical Ratings
or Download File
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If you need assistance with ordering, or if you have technical questions, please
feel free to contact us.
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